CREDIT CARD: click here to donate. Your gift will be processed and receipted immediately!
CHEQUE: mail a cheque to Sawubona Project, 1488 Thurlow Street, Ottawa, ON, K4A 2K7
E-TRANSFER: send an e-transfer from your bank account to info@sawubonaproject.com
SECURITIES: the Community Trust Fund can process your gifts of securities. Learn more.
Sawubona Project is a Registered Canadian Charity.
(70731 1528 RR 0001)
Mentoring, life skills and leadership training will ignite the hearts and minds of young people in Southern Africa to embrace and inspire change.
When you donate to Sawubona Project you will receive a charitable tax
Please send us an email advising of the e-transfer and the amount so that we can acknowledge your gift.

Donor Restricted Gift Policy
Spending of funds is confined to [board/charity] approved programs and projects. Each contribution directed toward an approved program or project will be used as restricted with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the [board/charity], the remaining restricted contributions will be used where most needed.
— Your donation will be receipted by CanadaHelps —