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Our Space

Feast your pies on this.

It all began in our Founder's home. It's where we learned, made, and baked  hand pies. From fruit, to sweet, to savoury - 21 varieties and counting. In order to meet the demand for pies and grow our intern team, we needed more space. It's a pretty bare but wide open concrete space. It's large enough to accommodate our current needs and ongoing potential growth . We're excited to be at a stage where we need to take this next step in our Pie Boyz Journey. It's a little surreal to have realized such growth in a matter of 8 months. We're grateful for the privilege and feeling humbled. Oh and if you're interested in checking out our Pies, you can see and learn all about them, just click here

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Our Space

Our Interns

I crust you. You can do it.

Pie Boyz SA is a social enterprise. We're producing high quality, market worthy pies, but they aren't our main gig. Our first priority is to the people who join our growing team. As a social enterprise we focus on skills and leadership training. Our pies happen to be our training tool of choice. The growth, empowerment and employability of our interns is paramount. Our interns become part of a supportive team, learn a great deal, and are provided a stipend. As unemployed young adults this makes a difference. As a social enterprise ALL proceeds go toward equipping and training our Pie Boyz interns and our Life Skills Programs in the community.

Our Interns
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Our Training

Life is what you bake of it.

Pie Boyz SA focuses on supporting unemployed young adults. Learning to make and bake pies is just one level of skill development. Managing markets and customers is another. In addition to that we will include training in all facets of Pie Boyz SA, from inventory to bookkeeping to marketing to product pricing, etc. It is our vision to launch interns into the marketplace, perhaps running their own business, or using their new skills to secure employment. Our training will also offer a component of life skills and leadership training. Presently all of our Pie Boyz interns serve on our Sawubona Project volunteer team as Life Skills facilitators in one or more of our community programs: Becoming Me Co-ed, Games Day, Learning to Lead, Becoming Me Girls. Want to know more specifics about Sawubona Project, click here. We also involve youth from our community programs in our markets, providing them an opportunity for training and exposure they would generally not have access to.

Go to Work day
Our 1st Market
3 Pie Boyz
Learning to Lead - Grade 7 Theme
Becoming Me - Jr Intern
Sawubona Project Team Meeting
Best Version of Myself
Market Training
Stop Violence
Menstruation Health
Certificate of Completion
Student Helpers
Becoming Me - Life Skills
Training Day - New Intern
Pick Me, Pick Me
Our Training

God's Love

You're the apple of my pie.

We've left the best to the last. Yes it's been and will continue to be, a lot of work. Some days are easily 14 hours long. There are lots of details to cover, not too mention pies to make, but one thing remains constant, our motivation, our passion, and our vision comes from the Lord. In fact it comes from a deep place of knowing He loves us and those we are privileged to interact with. Pie Boyz and Sawubona Project are developing a beautifully complex, yet simple way for His LOVE to shine forth in both practical and spiritual ways.


Sawubona, a common Zulu greeting, means, "We see you". Our hearts desire to see them as He sees them. In keeping with pies we might lightheartedly say, "You're the apple of my pie". But what we really want them to know is that our Lord is the lover of their souls and He will keep [them] as they apple of [His] eye, [and] hide [them] in the shadows of [His] wings. Psalm 17:8.

Lord hear my Prayer
Praying over new Space
Joining hands and hearts in Prayer
God's Love

He sent us to be His hands and feet in this part of South Africa. We are serving from a place of purpose, God's purpose for those who would otherwise be "overlooked and ignored".

Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me - you did it to me.

Matthew 25:40 The Message

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